Thursday 19 May 2011

1000 word write up

Cadburys was one of my first choices of placement. The reason I chose to apply for this, along with other large companies such as Synergy and Pixel8 is because I wanted to gain experience of what it is like to work in a professional environment. As well as working in Cadburys I have been learning a lot about the Starbucks Company as I was involved in the rebranding of the UK logo. Although my part in this was not crucial I was able to experience meetings and get insights as to how the minds of the Starbucks superiors work. Although I did not manage to get a placement in my number one department of advertising at Cadburys, I was more than happy to have a placement in the packaging department. This was a traditional placement which brought forward a hoard of opportunities that I would not come across every day, opportunities for example to use the Cadburys printers to print off my work and the contacts I was able to gain. Through this experience I have learnt how projects are approached, how they are dealt with and how they are put to a close, which is very different to my original idea as is the general way in which people work in the department I worked in.

A lecturer at my university gave me information about upcoming placement information which is how I managed to land this placement. Before the placement my knowledge and skills within the industry were very limited. I have had experience within the Starbucks Company and have had a slight insight of how that industry works, though the experience at Cadburys is very different to how an agency or a company works. After seeing some of the work in the Cadburys studio I have a much better idea as to what should go where on an advert or a packaging mock up to get the maximum reaction. My skills have definitely improved beyond my expectations just by seeing how other people work and by personal one to one help with some of the colleagues. For example I was shown little tricks on Photoshop which vastly improved my work and I was introduced to a program called Cinema 4d which is used in the final steps of packaging creation.

Before experiencing the professional world of packaging and marketing, my intentions were to jump into the advertising industry with no idea what to expect, but I certainly didn’t think we would be doing some of the things we did. We listened in on two meetings, one of which was with the marketing directors of Cadburys, people in places such as France and Zurich were giving us feedback on our own ideas without even knowing we were there, and that the ideas were ours. So to have marketing director not only like our ideas but to give us critical feedback was a personal highlight. I am glad I have had this experience as I now know how this unique industry works. Although my heart was originally dead set in the advertising sector I think Cadburys has certainly opened my eyes inspired me to widen my career prospects. Before this experience I thought there would be a mere one or two people working together to create a packaging idea and that would be it but I have been really surprised by what I have seen. I have gained knowledge into how a Cadburys product goes into market. There are many steps to be taken and hundreds of people involved, many of which seem pointless when- according to the creative director Martin Simpson- only approximately one out of every ten ideas gets put forward to the marketing directors. Although every idea is essential to get the most out of research with the consumer, this statistic seems drastically small.

The skills I have learnt at Cadburys will certainly be of a huge benefit in my future. To start off my experience at Cadburys is going to look good on any job application! Through interaction with the Cadburys employees I have learnt a lot about my work and what I should be doing and little things that they have told me will greatly improve not only my work, by my employability. These things I will be clinging on to. Things such as tips for my C.V, Photoshop tricks etc. are all very minute details which will help me greatly in the long run. I have learnt the importance of meaning in the industry too, initially I knew meaning was an element of any advert but I had underestimated how vital it actually is. Every advert has a meaning behind it; this is why research is so important.

This placement without a doubt has to be the best thing, professionally I could have done. It has taught me many lessons about what to expect in my future. One of my favourite moments was seeing my idea go through right until the moment I left. Although it was brushed aside for a little while and I had nothing else in the mix, I still worked hard on the ideas they did have to try and get my ides recognised. It was an amazing feeling when I came in one day and saw my design idea on a very advanced sketch for the packaging that could possibly go through to production. A downside was when my initial idea for the name of the new sweets was cut but I didn’t let that phase me as I still had my imagery idea there on the table. Another very petty downside was right at the beginning when I and the other placement students were pitching our ideas to the creative director and one of them pitched the same idea as I had, before me. That particular idea went very far in the research and we saw a mock up for potential production. In that particular situation I took a step back and let the other student take charge though I did still contribute to that idea, as well as my others, as much as I could. All in all I consider this placement and my whole professional experience to be not only a success, but a privilege to my future.

Wednesday 18 May 2011



Victoria Anna Chambers



26 Woodside Avenue, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6QQ

About me

I am passionate about being creative (give me something- anything, and I’ll make something out of it).

Confident, I love socialisation, communicating, throwing around ideas in a group. I love to present, ideas I present go far (not that I’m saying that has anything to do with me... J ).

I’m an undergraduate at Coventry University studying Media and Advertising. I should mention that.


Cadburys, Bournville, Birmingham (3 week placement)- I worked in the packaging department contributing my ideas to the creative team. I learnt a lot as to how this industry works in the real world.

Starbucks, Broadgate, Coventry (2010- present)- As a barista providing world class customer service, interacting with different people from different backgrounds on a personal level.

Yates, Fishergate, Preston (2008-2009)- Again working with the public on a personal level.

WHSmith, Fishergate, Preston (2007-2009)- Encouraging consumers to purchase extra merchandise, persuading them to spend slightly more money whilst remaining to be polite and professional.


Coventry University, 2012, BA Hons

Cardinal Newman College, 2008, 3 A levels

City of Preston High School, 2006, 9 GCSEs


Martin Simpson, the creative director at Cadburys. He helped me to push my ideas as far as I could and he has tutored me in the Cadburys company. Having him as a contact is a privilege as he could potentially help me win a job a Cadburys at the end of university.

Rachel Eaton, she was the receptionist/ admin at Cadburys creative department who was, sort of our host to the whole thing. You wouldn't meet a nicer person. She is lovely and has invited me to drop her an email at any time to help me with anything I need.

Dave Pegg, another big guy at Cadburys who gave me my placement in the first place and am very thankful to him. He has also invited me to sent him and email regarding anything I may need. He could also help me get a job at Cadburys.

Kish, I didn't catch his second name (oooooooops) but he was one of the graphic designers at Cadburys, he taught me some little photoshop tricks that make my work look more realistic, shadows ect. He said he'd help me out if I need any more help or if I ever need any work printed.

Howard Schultz, I only met once briefly during one of my shifts whilst working at Starbucks but he has given me his email address and is willing to help me should I chose to remain in the Starbucks company and chose to progress to different areas.

Amanda Royson, the head of marketing at the Starbucks headquarters in London. We have only exchanged a few emails but she is more than willing to help me on my way should I need her.

Last Day :( boohoohoo

6th May 2011

At first today seemed like we were just going to work on our old project again but at lunchtime Martin came in for a chat. He first updated us on the live project and how the team have furthered our ideas. I was really shocked to learn they had brought one of my visual ideas back, along with another of the group members’ ideas that was also previously disregarded. So that was a nice little surprise.

I asked Martin, as an employer and during his experience, what employers look for when they receive C.V.s and he told us some very interesting facts that I’ll definitely be baring in mind when it comes to looking for jobs. He said that when employers ask for applications via email, their computer has a program which checks for what they call ‘buzzwords’. These are specific words are unique to the job role and the employers are only interested in applicants that bare these particular words. Then when the email applications are dwindled down once, they are dwindled down again whilst the program searches for more specific buzzwords. When this process is completed, then the employer will personally take it from there. It all sounds very complicated, but in a need those buzzwords in your application if you even want yours to be seen.

On the other hand, an application sent physically can make a much bigger impression. Martin told us that people come up with crazy ways to submit their application. Some memorable ones where when a girl sent in a thong with her application (weirrrrd- but memorable, right?!), one guy sent his C.V screwed up in a box and pointed out that he’s already saved them the trouble of screwing it up. I think Martin himself said his application was sent in drawn on a paper cut out to look like a boiled egg? Which seems random, but in reality his website and other formalities were named after an egg so it all linked in. Personally I love the thong idea.

A little later on we sat in on another meeting about the progress of the project which was pretty interesting as this time it was an actual meeting with people within the creative department of Cadburys. They were throwing ideas around to each other and amending them, it was pretty crazy but at the same time it’s amazing to know how their brains work. I was playing little games with myself and thinking up ideas, none of which was parallel to any of theirs but I suppose that’s the point.

Just before we left we were given a massive bag of chocolates each. Not even just a few bits and bats, I’m talking about £20+ worth of Cadburys goodies each. Fair enough I didn’t like some of the stuff I was given but we traded within our little group. We shared some tearful goodbyes before departing.

Random Fact of the Day: I have bloody loved working with Cadburys.

DAY 10

5th May 2011

We just worked on our project again :)

Random Fact of the Day: Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards

Wednesday 4 May 2011


4th May 2011

The pace has really died off for us. Rachel told us Dave Pegg wasn’t in again today and that she’d get him on the teleconference for us and he can talk to us about another live project. I was pretty excited about that…but it didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow? Instead we worked on our first project again, it’s really coming together! I also found out today that when I made a joke about confidentiality way back at the beginning, that was actually true, and we’re not allowed to disclose any information about what work we’re doing on a live project, in case Nestle or something steals it. Oooooooops! So I’ve gone through and deleted all the specifics. IN YOUR FACE NESTLE.

Random Fact of the Day: During the two 45 min windows that the hot drinks machine is free, people swarm to it constantly.


3rd May 2011

We got to Cadburys a little late today, and we left a little early. There wasn’t really much to today. We worked on the first brief of creating packaging for a new chocolate bar again. We had to leave early to hand in our Add+Vantage coursework too. I bought lots of chocolate from the staff store.

Random Fact of the Day: Cadburys staff shop is too amazing. 10 cream eggs for £1


28th April 2011

Today was Cadbury World day! I was so excited when I woke up this morning, anybody would have thought I was going to Disney Land. We arrived at 10:20am, bang on time, and upon entering the Cadbury World lair, we got given a Crunchie bar and a Curly Wurly! A fantastic start I must say. It wasn’t at all like I expected, I thought Cadbury World was supposed to be mainly for kids. There was a story-like feel to it, but there were these big plaques to read every 5 steps! There were lots of wax figures in the form of cave-like people though which I suppose is pretty cool. According to these plaques coco beans used to be very valuable. For example 100 coco beans could be exchanged for a lifelong servant?! (there's a picture of the first plaque you come across at the bottom of this post, for some reason it wouldn't go where I wanted it to in this post).

Through there was a storytelling room. With rooms and houses made with mini figures of things and the people talking were little holograms. Pretty cool! Walking through to the next room we sat down and a George Cadbury hologram told us the story of Cadburys, and it’s pretty impressive. It started off as one shop and because of the good way they treat their workers, which were very different to how other people treat their workers, the company escalated. Cadburys were the first to introduce holiday pay and 5 day weeks as opposed to 7 day weeks ect. It also took them a while to figure out what to add to the chocolate to make it unique; they added milk.

Up some stairs there was a green screen where you can have a picture taken, but it looks like you doing things because of the green screen. For example you could be in a bath, or riding a Dairy Milk bar, or in our case winning a race. I bought my photo as a key ring. After

that we got a little tour of the actual factory. We weren’t allowed to take pictures in that part, I’m not sure why, but it was cool to see. When we saw the packaging happening it was incredible. There were massive reels of Dairy Milk wrappers, and the chocolate was been packaged in less than a second each. It was amazing. We saw some workers too, monitoring the machines ect, lets call them Umpa Lumpas, typically. After that we got a little tub of liquid Dairy Milk with a little spoon, yummy.

When it came to the end of the self-guided tour we conventionally ended up in a shop, where we all bought a few bits and bats. Like Cadbury World caps. And that was pretty much it for the day. I definitely learnt a lot more fun and interesting facts about chocolate and the Cadburys Company.

Random Fact of the Day: Cocoa beans used to be worth a ridiculous amount

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Cadburys Advert

So this is part of what I've been working on at Cadburys. Well, this is my final design. I went through a lot of stages to get a final idea, just like they taught us to at Cadburys. The other group members have come up with poster ideas and packaging ideas too but we all sort of went and did our own thing in regards to the packaging and adverts after we came up with the Chino idea. Learning from one of our earlier lessons at Cadburys, the name 'Chino' has a meaning to it, and the word is instantly linked to coffee due to the famous 'cappuchino' which is where the Chino comes from. I liked the idea of 'Cadburys Chino' as, in my opinion it kind of has a ring to it. The repetition of the letter C will entice customers subconsciously when they read it.

As you can see, I'm not very good on Photoshop and this is definitely not of professional standard (I don't think I have enough fingers to point out what is not 100% correct in this image). For starters the colours..anyway I wont go into that. What I'm trying to portray is my ideas and the potential of the concept. I really like how the coffee beans and chocolate falls from different directions to form one tumble. I think without the packaging being on the advert, what the chocolate bar is is portrayed to the consumers through these images, chocolate and coffee. The 'Cadburys' logo connotes the familiarity and the audience will instantly recognise the high quality. As I was bitching about the colours, I think they could be amended so the name of the product would stick out more as at the moment it seems to sort of fade into the background when it should be jumping out at the consumer, it should be the focal point of the advert. At the moment I feel the Cadburys logo is the focal point of this advert.

Saturday 30 April 2011


Wednesday 27th April 2011

It was another pretty slow day. We worked again on our first project. We sat with a guy who worked at Cadburys for 2 hours and he showed us how to use the most advanced Cinema 4d software. We had an idea for a packaging design and he showed us how to create it professionally from paper, to a 4d image on the screen. It was pretty amazing. Its so complicated though, I can’t imagine being able to do all that as smoothly as he did, then again he’s probably being trained on it and being using it for years or whatnot so I’ll try not to worry too much about that. After that we went for lunch (Subway- yum!) Then back to the office for around an hour while we worked some more then we decided it was time for home. Rachel got us booked in for a Cadburys World tour tomorrow which is awesome. I’m very excited about that.

Random Fact of the Day: Cinema 4d is not for the faint hearted.


Tuesday 26nd April 2011

So we've had four days off due to easter bank holidays ect.

We spent the day at Cadburys again, though it really slowed down. The other days we were up and down every half an hour to check if Martin liked our ideas ect but today our work, it seemed, was pretty much done. Though we did go to Martin a few times and asked him to look at our ideas for the packaging ‘story’ but after they were written up and ‘on the wall’, we weren’t given anything else to do, so we just worked on our first chocolate coffee project. I’c making a print ad for that on photoshop, and I’m not the best person on photoshop, so its not going too well! But the ideas very clear so hopefully that will be acknowledged…

Random Fact of the Day: When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


21st April 2011

Totally forgot to write more on Thursday. The conference was pretty different. The people on the teleconference thing were talking about not just our ideas, but the other 5 brief concepts too. They were pretty critical about more of the concepts but at the same time it was constructive to the Martin, and us. So that was pretty helpful. During the conference, 3 of our ideas got cut.

My idea got cut because Martin had pushed me to move away from the original brief when I was drawing up my ideas therefore in the end my idea did no longer fit the brief. I felt it was a good outcome though because Martin pushed me, fair enough it was away from the original brief, but he pushed me to extend my ideas as far as I possibly could, which I felt was a really good thing. Another 3 of the concepts were also cut loose. So to have our ideas, plus two others still in the running to go into farther research is amazing. After the teleconference we sat and talked about how we could extend the remaining idea to create effective packaging. So for our one remaining idea Martin has an idea that he wants on the packaging. He wants to incorporate ideas from the Absolut Vodka brand; as in the simplicity of it. The Absolut Vodka bottle has just words in it and we wanted to adapt that idea onto this new product. Our task is to come up with a story for the packaging.

Random Fact Of The Day: A teleconference in a big deal.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Logo Ideas

These are all Photoshopped ideas as to what our Chino logo could look like. We had more ideas but these are the ones we decided to take that step further. The top and the bottom ideas incorporate the purple from the Dairy Milk selection, although this new Chino bar does not come under the Dairy Milk heading we thought the purple could encourage people to make the link. In my work I decided to use the simplest one simply because it fit in the best on my advert. It is the simplest one and the typeface seemed to look more professional.

Thursday 21 April 2011


Thursday 21st April 2011

I’m still at Cadburys at the moment, and it’s only 12:30 in the afternoon. We got told by Martin yesterday that he’s going to pitch our ideas in a conference at 10am this morning, but when we turned up this morning he said the conference has been postponed until 1pm. This was lovely news; we can work up until then now! Well, I’m obviously working on my blog right now but that’s because I’ve finished my ideas. Martin said this morning that I should look at the Apple brand, and some perfume brands and see how they have used the symbol for the brand. For example when you see the apple symbol, you straight away think of the apple brand; the high stature, the quality, the iphone, the mac ect. That’s what he wants me to try and achieve with this chocolate bag. I came up with some stamps based on the arrangement of two of the candys in the shape of a heart. I chose two of my favourites and made a couple of a5 mock ups of them. I showed them to Martin, to get his feedback and he asked me which one I liked and why, so I told him. He said he completely agrees and that I should draw up and a4 size of that one. And that’s what I’ve done, and I’ve put it on The Wall. Soon we’re going into this conference with Martin. Now I thought this conference was going to be a load of people in a room looking at all the designs, like anyone would imagine a conference to be...but this one is going to be my group and martin in a room, with a sound station speaker phone- type thing in the middle of the table and all the work spread around the table. And on that speakerphone...there are going to be people in London, Zurich, France and I’m sure he said some other places. They’re all going to have copies of all the work that we have on the table. So all of these people are going to be analysing OUR designs. Some of the actual Cadburys designers have been working on our ideas from the other day too, so our ideas are obviously being taken seriously. I’m really excited to get the opinions of loads of different people in the industry. And the best bit? These people are not going to know we are listening in, so they are going to tell us their true opinions. COooooooooOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOOol. Right, I’m going to listen in! I’ll write more laters xxxx

Wednesday 20 April 2011


Wednesday 20th April 2011

Wow, today has being amazing. After the briefing for the live project yesterday I spent most of last night thinking up ideas for this new sharers bag of chocolates. I came up with a load of random things and whittled those down to 5 that I liked the best. I had ‘must-eats’, ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’, ‘noms’ and ‘couples’. Martin (the creative director) really liked ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’ and ‘couples’. One of the other members of my group also came up with ‘love bites’, which is a bit weird. But I let him work on that one as I had two others to focus on. I came up with lots of strap lines for both ‘Couples’ and ‘Pinks ‘n’ purples’, and I showed my ideas to Martin, who said that there isn’t really a story to tell with ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’ which means there isn’t really anywhere else to go with that name so we cut it. This project is very emotion based, so with no story is no go! No hard feelings, Martin J. I would have written down all the strap lines I came up with...but they’re on the wall, which means they are up for discussion. Yey. The ones for ‘Couples’ which he liked were;

‘Let the couples do the talking’, obviously the chocolate can’t talk, but it can speak for itself in regards to taste. This is suggesting that you cannot be told the taste of the chocolate.

‘You can look and you can touch’, which is a kind of cheeky one, but not in an offensive way and,

‘Create a lasting relationship’ which is a very emotional one suggesting that the chocolate will help build a stable foundation for a relationship, but suggests that the consumer will create a lasting relationship with the chocolate itself.

Whilst drawing little sketches with ideas of what the packaging could look like, I created this little picture based on the pebble-minstrel sweets which looked like a love heart, made from two of the sweets- a ‘couple’ of sweets which are arranged to look like love hearts! Martin loved that too, so since then I have been focusing on that as my sort of stamp for the ‘couples’ brand name. I’ve made more sketches based on that and tomorrow at 10am they will be pitched to the designers, and see what they think.

It’s been a very successful day for me. I love that the creative director likes my ideas, and that he pushes me to make them stronger. At first I thought he could just be being nice and telling us our ideas are good but really didn’t think they were god enough, but he has told us straight up what he likes and what he doesn’t like which is very reassuring. I am so passionate about this; I’ve honestly learnt more about the industry in these last few days than I have at my two years at university. I know it has only been three days so far but I am feeling very strongly that this is the sort of work I want to do after university, I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time. Thanks for having me Cadburys! (that sounds like a closing statement, doesn’t it?)

Random fact of the day- Cadburys are NOT arch rivals with Mars Galaxy...because Cadburys shits all over them anyway (apparently).

Random Advert Ideas

These are some random ideas I had for Chino. Ideas that were the very first brainwave sketches just to clear my brain of all my ideas. When I draw I draw really I'm super sorry if you can't see them properly, but hopefully you get the gist. From these I took around 3 of them and drew them up on A5 and put more detail into them. Unfortunately I think I left those sketches at Cadburys. But I have my final Photoshop advert on my blog :)

Starting Point of Chino

This first image is literally our starting point with chino. We first had to think of ideas as to what can be in our new chocolate bar before we think of anything else. It
s all about meaning, we cant have a random name without a story behind it. For example Dairy Milk is called Dairy Milk because they use dairy milk in the ingredients. It's trying to portray that the milk is from cows. As you can see we had quite a selection to chose from. In the end we chose chocolate and coffee, from the tops of our heads we couldn't think of any chocolate bar that contained coffee...except Revels, although nobody likes the coffee ones, but our intentions were to make the chocolate more overpowering, just so there is a hint of coffee.

Our next step was to think of lots of words associated with coffee to help us with the creation of the name. This is my list <<<

From these we created a name 'Chino' originating from Cappuchino, as you can see!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Super busy day today. It was really good; Rachel gave us some ‘samples’ of chocolate to look at the packaging to help us with our project. So we had a quick look at the packaging....and ate the chocolate! Wuahaha. It was lovely.

We got quite a lot of work done on photoshop. For example I and another group member have begun working on posters, and the other two members have been working

on the brand logo. The staff was so helpful, the creative director came and introduced himself at around lunchtime- he seems really nice too. At around 4pm we went to the creative director’s office and he briefed us on a live project that Cadburys are working on right now, which is really exciting! But I am not breaching confidentiality of the project at this I’m joking; in a nutshell we have to try to come up with a name for a new range of products. But if we pitch some good ideas, those ideas could actually be used in the project, which is a huge deal. Anyway, apologies for the shortness of this post, but I'm going to get back to thinking of some wacky ideas for this LIVE project!

Random fact of the day: When Cadburys launched the resealable bite size bags of chocolate (clusters ect), they made £29 million in the first year...just in the UK.

Monday 18 April 2011


18th April 2011

1st day at Cadburys!

I was a little nervous when I woke up up this morning to be honest. I went through the motions of getting ready and left my house to begin my work experiance adventure! We pulled up outside Cadburys World and when I got out of the car it hit me, the overpowering smell of cadburys chocolate. It was YUMMY. The first building we went in was the entrance to actual Cadburys World – the place where they tour the familys around the factory...thats not where we needed to be! So we

walked the ten minutes to the Bournville building to sign in, then to the packaging department where we were met by Rachel Eaton. She showed us around the building (it’s like a maze), and we got some ID cards which gave us access to everywhere. My picture was awful, I was laughing...and the guy wouldn't retake the picture! Next we sat on these sofas in the middle of the creative room until Paul Webb came over, showed us around the creative suit more in depth then we were given our all important brief. Basically we are challenged to produce a packaging concept for a chocolate count line bar and create packaging and a print poster for this bar. We must consider colour in terms of suitability for the target audience, which in this case is females ages 25-35.

After being provided with a sketch pad, stationary and the code to access the internet, we got to work. To begin with we created a group mind map of what else we wanted the chocolate bar to contain, as in, an extra ingredient. For example the Dairy Milk collection at Cadburys includes ‘Dairy Milk Whole Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Fruit ‘n’ Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Turkish Delight’ ect. We thought of adding a fruity zest such as strawberry or banana as to appeal to the 25-35 year old females ‘nice’ side. We thought

this age group would possible feel ‘naughty’ for eating chocolate; as a lot of females within this age group are keen to keep in shape/lose weight. We thought the fruit and chocolate combination may balance the target audience’s diet. Another idea we considered was a soft centre, such as praline or nougat, which seemed like the most appealing to females according to internet research. Then the group thought of a revelation of creating a coffee based chocolate bar. We considered that the coffee flavour is the most unpopular ‘Revels’ flavour, yet we plan to create more of a mocha flavoured bar, with the coffee flavour being present but not overpowering.

Our decision fell on the last idea; we decided to create a bar of chocolate with the unique selling point being the presence of coffee in the chocolate bar. Our next step was to think of a name for our new bar. Again, we made a mind map consisting of names related to the coffee aspect. ‘Cap Cream’, ‘Chino’, ‘Mocha Bar’ were some of the ideas. We had some minor conflicts regarding the names but we all settled on ‘Chino’ in the end, as it is a play on the word ‘cappuccino’. In the middle of all this decision making was a fire drill, by the way, at which point we had to evacuate the building and stand outside for 15 minutes. We’re lucky it was a nice day! Back indoors, in the safety of the meeting room we were occupying, I thought it was a good idea to do rough thumbnail sketches of ideas. Meanwhile, my other group members were focusing on one idea each. I figured if I thumbnail sketch and get all the ideas in my head onto paper, I can go from there and chose my best ones to take further. Sure, it takes longer than focusing on one idea, but in my opinion, getting all the ideas on paper will prove for better

results in the long run.

Anyway, 5pm came and it was home time. Tomorrow we will continue our journey (and hopefully get a Cadburys World tour)!

Random fact of the day: Cadburys have there very own dentist.


Yey! I got a placement! I had 2 calls about from the places I sent letters to but they didn't work out. But I got a placement at Cadburys in Birmingham! I feel pretty bad for the way I got this placement but at the same time I'm so excited, I think it will be a great opportunity. Like I said I feel rather bad about how I got this placement, all I did was reply to an email off of my tutor and the placement was mine. Although I was very lucky to get this opportunity I am still going to look for more placements to boost my experience. Over and out.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Professional Experiance Proposal

To gain a placement at an advertising agency I plan to send curiculum virtues to a number of advertising agencies that I am particularly interested in. Ontop of that I plan to network to gain contacts within the advertising and marketing industry in order to expand my knowledge on what the real world advertising adgencies are like to work within.

Today I sent off a few letters and CVs to various companies in Birmingham; because it’s close to my university, Manchester; because it’s close to where I come from. Here’s a list of places I sent letters to:

Synergy, Birmingham

OWB, Birmingham

HTDL, Birmingham

Fluid, Birmingham

Big Cat Group, Birmingham

BJL, Manchester

Cube Creative, Manchester

Adzmedia, Manchester

Head First, Manchester

Pixel8, Manchester

Media Vest, Manchester

S.W.O.T Analysis


  • Reliable - Reliable to complete tasks which I am equipt to finish.

  • Confident - When meeting new people and during presentations.

  • Good timekeeping - When attending classes/appointments I am rarely late.


  • Easily distracted - I am easily distracted when lacking motivation.

  • Independant - I find it difficult to work together with others.


  • Doing well in university - I must work hard and manage to acheive at least a 2:1 in my degree.

  • Succeeding in the advertising industry - If I acheive my university goals I can climb the advertising adgency ladder.

  • Being happy - Living a comfortable, stable lifestyle with a well paid job that I enjoy.


  • Distractions - If I get distracted and do not succeed in university, that can ripple out to affect further steps that I am hoping to take in my life.