Saturday 30 April 2011


Tuesday 26nd April 2011

So we've had four days off due to easter bank holidays ect.

We spent the day at Cadburys again, though it really slowed down. The other days we were up and down every half an hour to check if Martin liked our ideas ect but today our work, it seemed, was pretty much done. Though we did go to Martin a few times and asked him to look at our ideas for the packaging ‘story’ but after they were written up and ‘on the wall’, we weren’t given anything else to do, so we just worked on our first chocolate coffee project. I’c making a print ad for that on photoshop, and I’m not the best person on photoshop, so its not going too well! But the ideas very clear so hopefully that will be acknowledged…

Random Fact of the Day: When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

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