Wednesday 20 April 2011

Starting Point of Chino

This first image is literally our starting point with chino. We first had to think of ideas as to what can be in our new chocolate bar before we think of anything else. It
s all about meaning, we cant have a random name without a story behind it. For example Dairy Milk is called Dairy Milk because they use dairy milk in the ingredients. It's trying to portray that the milk is from cows. As you can see we had quite a selection to chose from. In the end we chose chocolate and coffee, from the tops of our heads we couldn't think of any chocolate bar that contained coffee...except Revels, although nobody likes the coffee ones, but our intentions were to make the chocolate more overpowering, just so there is a hint of coffee.

Our next step was to think of lots of words associated with coffee to help us with the creation of the name. This is my list <<<

From these we created a name 'Chino' originating from Cappuchino, as you can see!

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