Saturday 23 April 2011

Logo Ideas

These are all Photoshopped ideas as to what our Chino logo could look like. We had more ideas but these are the ones we decided to take that step further. The top and the bottom ideas incorporate the purple from the Dairy Milk selection, although this new Chino bar does not come under the Dairy Milk heading we thought the purple could encourage people to make the link. In my work I decided to use the simplest one simply because it fit in the best on my advert. It is the simplest one and the typeface seemed to look more professional.

Thursday 21 April 2011


Thursday 21st April 2011

I’m still at Cadburys at the moment, and it’s only 12:30 in the afternoon. We got told by Martin yesterday that he’s going to pitch our ideas in a conference at 10am this morning, but when we turned up this morning he said the conference has been postponed until 1pm. This was lovely news; we can work up until then now! Well, I’m obviously working on my blog right now but that’s because I’ve finished my ideas. Martin said this morning that I should look at the Apple brand, and some perfume brands and see how they have used the symbol for the brand. For example when you see the apple symbol, you straight away think of the apple brand; the high stature, the quality, the iphone, the mac ect. That’s what he wants me to try and achieve with this chocolate bag. I came up with some stamps based on the arrangement of two of the candys in the shape of a heart. I chose two of my favourites and made a couple of a5 mock ups of them. I showed them to Martin, to get his feedback and he asked me which one I liked and why, so I told him. He said he completely agrees and that I should draw up and a4 size of that one. And that’s what I’ve done, and I’ve put it on The Wall. Soon we’re going into this conference with Martin. Now I thought this conference was going to be a load of people in a room looking at all the designs, like anyone would imagine a conference to be...but this one is going to be my group and martin in a room, with a sound station speaker phone- type thing in the middle of the table and all the work spread around the table. And on that speakerphone...there are going to be people in London, Zurich, France and I’m sure he said some other places. They’re all going to have copies of all the work that we have on the table. So all of these people are going to be analysing OUR designs. Some of the actual Cadburys designers have been working on our ideas from the other day too, so our ideas are obviously being taken seriously. I’m really excited to get the opinions of loads of different people in the industry. And the best bit? These people are not going to know we are listening in, so they are going to tell us their true opinions. COooooooooOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOOol. Right, I’m going to listen in! I’ll write more laters xxxx

Wednesday 20 April 2011


Wednesday 20th April 2011

Wow, today has being amazing. After the briefing for the live project yesterday I spent most of last night thinking up ideas for this new sharers bag of chocolates. I came up with a load of random things and whittled those down to 5 that I liked the best. I had ‘must-eats’, ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’, ‘noms’ and ‘couples’. Martin (the creative director) really liked ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’ and ‘couples’. One of the other members of my group also came up with ‘love bites’, which is a bit weird. But I let him work on that one as I had two others to focus on. I came up with lots of strap lines for both ‘Couples’ and ‘Pinks ‘n’ purples’, and I showed my ideas to Martin, who said that there isn’t really a story to tell with ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’ which means there isn’t really anywhere else to go with that name so we cut it. This project is very emotion based, so with no story is no go! No hard feelings, Martin J. I would have written down all the strap lines I came up with...but they’re on the wall, which means they are up for discussion. Yey. The ones for ‘Couples’ which he liked were;

‘Let the couples do the talking’, obviously the chocolate can’t talk, but it can speak for itself in regards to taste. This is suggesting that you cannot be told the taste of the chocolate.

‘You can look and you can touch’, which is a kind of cheeky one, but not in an offensive way and,

‘Create a lasting relationship’ which is a very emotional one suggesting that the chocolate will help build a stable foundation for a relationship, but suggests that the consumer will create a lasting relationship with the chocolate itself.

Whilst drawing little sketches with ideas of what the packaging could look like, I created this little picture based on the pebble-minstrel sweets which looked like a love heart, made from two of the sweets- a ‘couple’ of sweets which are arranged to look like love hearts! Martin loved that too, so since then I have been focusing on that as my sort of stamp for the ‘couples’ brand name. I’ve made more sketches based on that and tomorrow at 10am they will be pitched to the designers, and see what they think.

It’s been a very successful day for me. I love that the creative director likes my ideas, and that he pushes me to make them stronger. At first I thought he could just be being nice and telling us our ideas are good but really didn’t think they were god enough, but he has told us straight up what he likes and what he doesn’t like which is very reassuring. I am so passionate about this; I’ve honestly learnt more about the industry in these last few days than I have at my two years at university. I know it has only been three days so far but I am feeling very strongly that this is the sort of work I want to do after university, I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time. Thanks for having me Cadburys! (that sounds like a closing statement, doesn’t it?)

Random fact of the day- Cadburys are NOT arch rivals with Mars Galaxy...because Cadburys shits all over them anyway (apparently).

Random Advert Ideas

These are some random ideas I had for Chino. Ideas that were the very first brainwave sketches just to clear my brain of all my ideas. When I draw I draw really I'm super sorry if you can't see them properly, but hopefully you get the gist. From these I took around 3 of them and drew them up on A5 and put more detail into them. Unfortunately I think I left those sketches at Cadburys. But I have my final Photoshop advert on my blog :)

Starting Point of Chino

This first image is literally our starting point with chino. We first had to think of ideas as to what can be in our new chocolate bar before we think of anything else. It
s all about meaning, we cant have a random name without a story behind it. For example Dairy Milk is called Dairy Milk because they use dairy milk in the ingredients. It's trying to portray that the milk is from cows. As you can see we had quite a selection to chose from. In the end we chose chocolate and coffee, from the tops of our heads we couldn't think of any chocolate bar that contained coffee...except Revels, although nobody likes the coffee ones, but our intentions were to make the chocolate more overpowering, just so there is a hint of coffee.

Our next step was to think of lots of words associated with coffee to help us with the creation of the name. This is my list <<<

From these we created a name 'Chino' originating from Cappuchino, as you can see!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Super busy day today. It was really good; Rachel gave us some ‘samples’ of chocolate to look at the packaging to help us with our project. So we had a quick look at the packaging....and ate the chocolate! Wuahaha. It was lovely.

We got quite a lot of work done on photoshop. For example I and another group member have begun working on posters, and the other two members have been working

on the brand logo. The staff was so helpful, the creative director came and introduced himself at around lunchtime- he seems really nice too. At around 4pm we went to the creative director’s office and he briefed us on a live project that Cadburys are working on right now, which is really exciting! But I am not breaching confidentiality of the project at this I’m joking; in a nutshell we have to try to come up with a name for a new range of products. But if we pitch some good ideas, those ideas could actually be used in the project, which is a huge deal. Anyway, apologies for the shortness of this post, but I'm going to get back to thinking of some wacky ideas for this LIVE project!

Random fact of the day: When Cadburys launched the resealable bite size bags of chocolate (clusters ect), they made £29 million in the first year...just in the UK.

Monday 18 April 2011


18th April 2011

1st day at Cadburys!

I was a little nervous when I woke up up this morning to be honest. I went through the motions of getting ready and left my house to begin my work experiance adventure! We pulled up outside Cadburys World and when I got out of the car it hit me, the overpowering smell of cadburys chocolate. It was YUMMY. The first building we went in was the entrance to actual Cadburys World – the place where they tour the familys around the factory...thats not where we needed to be! So we

walked the ten minutes to the Bournville building to sign in, then to the packaging department where we were met by Rachel Eaton. She showed us around the building (it’s like a maze), and we got some ID cards which gave us access to everywhere. My picture was awful, I was laughing...and the guy wouldn't retake the picture! Next we sat on these sofas in the middle of the creative room until Paul Webb came over, showed us around the creative suit more in depth then we were given our all important brief. Basically we are challenged to produce a packaging concept for a chocolate count line bar and create packaging and a print poster for this bar. We must consider colour in terms of suitability for the target audience, which in this case is females ages 25-35.

After being provided with a sketch pad, stationary and the code to access the internet, we got to work. To begin with we created a group mind map of what else we wanted the chocolate bar to contain, as in, an extra ingredient. For example the Dairy Milk collection at Cadburys includes ‘Dairy Milk Whole Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Fruit ‘n’ Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Turkish Delight’ ect. We thought of adding a fruity zest such as strawberry or banana as to appeal to the 25-35 year old females ‘nice’ side. We thought

this age group would possible feel ‘naughty’ for eating chocolate; as a lot of females within this age group are keen to keep in shape/lose weight. We thought the fruit and chocolate combination may balance the target audience’s diet. Another idea we considered was a soft centre, such as praline or nougat, which seemed like the most appealing to females according to internet research. Then the group thought of a revelation of creating a coffee based chocolate bar. We considered that the coffee flavour is the most unpopular ‘Revels’ flavour, yet we plan to create more of a mocha flavoured bar, with the coffee flavour being present but not overpowering.

Our decision fell on the last idea; we decided to create a bar of chocolate with the unique selling point being the presence of coffee in the chocolate bar. Our next step was to think of a name for our new bar. Again, we made a mind map consisting of names related to the coffee aspect. ‘Cap Cream’, ‘Chino’, ‘Mocha Bar’ were some of the ideas. We had some minor conflicts regarding the names but we all settled on ‘Chino’ in the end, as it is a play on the word ‘cappuccino’. In the middle of all this decision making was a fire drill, by the way, at which point we had to evacuate the building and stand outside for 15 minutes. We’re lucky it was a nice day! Back indoors, in the safety of the meeting room we were occupying, I thought it was a good idea to do rough thumbnail sketches of ideas. Meanwhile, my other group members were focusing on one idea each. I figured if I thumbnail sketch and get all the ideas in my head onto paper, I can go from there and chose my best ones to take further. Sure, it takes longer than focusing on one idea, but in my opinion, getting all the ideas on paper will prove for better

results in the long run.

Anyway, 5pm came and it was home time. Tomorrow we will continue our journey (and hopefully get a Cadburys World tour)!

Random fact of the day: Cadburys have there very own dentist.


Yey! I got a placement! I had 2 calls about from the places I sent letters to but they didn't work out. But I got a placement at Cadburys in Birmingham! I feel pretty bad for the way I got this placement but at the same time I'm so excited, I think it will be a great opportunity. Like I said I feel rather bad about how I got this placement, all I did was reply to an email off of my tutor and the placement was mine. Although I was very lucky to get this opportunity I am still going to look for more placements to boost my experience. Over and out.