Saturday 30 April 2011


Wednesday 27th April 2011

It was another pretty slow day. We worked again on our first project. We sat with a guy who worked at Cadburys for 2 hours and he showed us how to use the most advanced Cinema 4d software. We had an idea for a packaging design and he showed us how to create it professionally from paper, to a 4d image on the screen. It was pretty amazing. Its so complicated though, I can’t imagine being able to do all that as smoothly as he did, then again he’s probably being trained on it and being using it for years or whatnot so I’ll try not to worry too much about that. After that we went for lunch (Subway- yum!) Then back to the office for around an hour while we worked some more then we decided it was time for home. Rachel got us booked in for a Cadburys World tour tomorrow which is awesome. I’m very excited about that.

Random Fact of the Day: Cinema 4d is not for the faint hearted.


Tuesday 26nd April 2011

So we've had four days off due to easter bank holidays ect.

We spent the day at Cadburys again, though it really slowed down. The other days we were up and down every half an hour to check if Martin liked our ideas ect but today our work, it seemed, was pretty much done. Though we did go to Martin a few times and asked him to look at our ideas for the packaging ‘story’ but after they were written up and ‘on the wall’, we weren’t given anything else to do, so we just worked on our first chocolate coffee project. I’c making a print ad for that on photoshop, and I’m not the best person on photoshop, so its not going too well! But the ideas very clear so hopefully that will be acknowledged…

Random Fact of the Day: When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


21st April 2011

Totally forgot to write more on Thursday. The conference was pretty different. The people on the teleconference thing were talking about not just our ideas, but the other 5 brief concepts too. They were pretty critical about more of the concepts but at the same time it was constructive to the Martin, and us. So that was pretty helpful. During the conference, 3 of our ideas got cut.

My idea got cut because Martin had pushed me to move away from the original brief when I was drawing up my ideas therefore in the end my idea did no longer fit the brief. I felt it was a good outcome though because Martin pushed me, fair enough it was away from the original brief, but he pushed me to extend my ideas as far as I possibly could, which I felt was a really good thing. Another 3 of the concepts were also cut loose. So to have our ideas, plus two others still in the running to go into farther research is amazing. After the teleconference we sat and talked about how we could extend the remaining idea to create effective packaging. So for our one remaining idea Martin has an idea that he wants on the packaging. He wants to incorporate ideas from the Absolut Vodka brand; as in the simplicity of it. The Absolut Vodka bottle has just words in it and we wanted to adapt that idea onto this new product. Our task is to come up with a story for the packaging.

Random Fact Of The Day: A teleconference in a big deal.