Thursday 21 April 2011


Thursday 21st April 2011

I’m still at Cadburys at the moment, and it’s only 12:30 in the afternoon. We got told by Martin yesterday that he’s going to pitch our ideas in a conference at 10am this morning, but when we turned up this morning he said the conference has been postponed until 1pm. This was lovely news; we can work up until then now! Well, I’m obviously working on my blog right now but that’s because I’ve finished my ideas. Martin said this morning that I should look at the Apple brand, and some perfume brands and see how they have used the symbol for the brand. For example when you see the apple symbol, you straight away think of the apple brand; the high stature, the quality, the iphone, the mac ect. That’s what he wants me to try and achieve with this chocolate bag. I came up with some stamps based on the arrangement of two of the candys in the shape of a heart. I chose two of my favourites and made a couple of a5 mock ups of them. I showed them to Martin, to get his feedback and he asked me which one I liked and why, so I told him. He said he completely agrees and that I should draw up and a4 size of that one. And that’s what I’ve done, and I’ve put it on The Wall. Soon we’re going into this conference with Martin. Now I thought this conference was going to be a load of people in a room looking at all the designs, like anyone would imagine a conference to be...but this one is going to be my group and martin in a room, with a sound station speaker phone- type thing in the middle of the table and all the work spread around the table. And on that speakerphone...there are going to be people in London, Zurich, France and I’m sure he said some other places. They’re all going to have copies of all the work that we have on the table. So all of these people are going to be analysing OUR designs. Some of the actual Cadburys designers have been working on our ideas from the other day too, so our ideas are obviously being taken seriously. I’m really excited to get the opinions of loads of different people in the industry. And the best bit? These people are not going to know we are listening in, so they are going to tell us their true opinions. COooooooooOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOOol. Right, I’m going to listen in! I’ll write more laters xxxx

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