Wednesday 20 April 2011


Wednesday 20th April 2011

Wow, today has being amazing. After the briefing for the live project yesterday I spent most of last night thinking up ideas for this new sharers bag of chocolates. I came up with a load of random things and whittled those down to 5 that I liked the best. I had ‘must-eats’, ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’, ‘noms’ and ‘couples’. Martin (the creative director) really liked ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’, ‘love bites’ and ‘couples’. One of the other members of my group also came up with ‘love bites’, which is a bit weird. But I let him work on that one as I had two others to focus on. I came up with lots of strap lines for both ‘Couples’ and ‘Pinks ‘n’ purples’, and I showed my ideas to Martin, who said that there isn’t really a story to tell with ‘pinks ‘n’ purples’ which means there isn’t really anywhere else to go with that name so we cut it. This project is very emotion based, so with no story is no go! No hard feelings, Martin J. I would have written down all the strap lines I came up with...but they’re on the wall, which means they are up for discussion. Yey. The ones for ‘Couples’ which he liked were;

‘Let the couples do the talking’, obviously the chocolate can’t talk, but it can speak for itself in regards to taste. This is suggesting that you cannot be told the taste of the chocolate.

‘You can look and you can touch’, which is a kind of cheeky one, but not in an offensive way and,

‘Create a lasting relationship’ which is a very emotional one suggesting that the chocolate will help build a stable foundation for a relationship, but suggests that the consumer will create a lasting relationship with the chocolate itself.

Whilst drawing little sketches with ideas of what the packaging could look like, I created this little picture based on the pebble-minstrel sweets which looked like a love heart, made from two of the sweets- a ‘couple’ of sweets which are arranged to look like love hearts! Martin loved that too, so since then I have been focusing on that as my sort of stamp for the ‘couples’ brand name. I’ve made more sketches based on that and tomorrow at 10am they will be pitched to the designers, and see what they think.

It’s been a very successful day for me. I love that the creative director likes my ideas, and that he pushes me to make them stronger. At first I thought he could just be being nice and telling us our ideas are good but really didn’t think they were god enough, but he has told us straight up what he likes and what he doesn’t like which is very reassuring. I am so passionate about this; I’ve honestly learnt more about the industry in these last few days than I have at my two years at university. I know it has only been three days so far but I am feeling very strongly that this is the sort of work I want to do after university, I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time. Thanks for having me Cadburys! (that sounds like a closing statement, doesn’t it?)

Random fact of the day- Cadburys are NOT arch rivals with Mars Galaxy...because Cadburys shits all over them anyway (apparently).

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