Tuesday 19 April 2011


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Super busy day today. It was really good; Rachel gave us some ‘samples’ of chocolate to look at the packaging to help us with our project. So we had a quick look at the packaging....and ate the chocolate! Wuahaha. It was lovely.

We got quite a lot of work done on photoshop. For example I and another group member have begun working on posters, and the other two members have been working

on the brand logo. The staff was so helpful, the creative director came and introduced himself at around lunchtime- he seems really nice too. At around 4pm we went to the creative director’s office and he briefed us on a live project that Cadburys are working on right now, which is really exciting! But I am not breaching confidentiality of the project at this time...no I’m joking; in a nutshell we have to try to come up with a name for a new range of products. But if we pitch some good ideas, those ideas could actually be used in the project, which is a huge deal. Anyway, apologies for the shortness of this post, but I'm going to get back to thinking of some wacky ideas for this LIVE project!

Random fact of the day: When Cadburys launched the resealable bite size bags of chocolate (clusters ect), they made £29 million in the first year...just in the UK.

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