Wednesday 18 May 2011

Last Day :( boohoohoo

6th May 2011

At first today seemed like we were just going to work on our old project again but at lunchtime Martin came in for a chat. He first updated us on the live project and how the team have furthered our ideas. I was really shocked to learn they had brought one of my visual ideas back, along with another of the group members’ ideas that was also previously disregarded. So that was a nice little surprise.

I asked Martin, as an employer and during his experience, what employers look for when they receive C.V.s and he told us some very interesting facts that I’ll definitely be baring in mind when it comes to looking for jobs. He said that when employers ask for applications via email, their computer has a program which checks for what they call ‘buzzwords’. These are specific words are unique to the job role and the employers are only interested in applicants that bare these particular words. Then when the email applications are dwindled down once, they are dwindled down again whilst the program searches for more specific buzzwords. When this process is completed, then the employer will personally take it from there. It all sounds very complicated, but in a need those buzzwords in your application if you even want yours to be seen.

On the other hand, an application sent physically can make a much bigger impression. Martin told us that people come up with crazy ways to submit their application. Some memorable ones where when a girl sent in a thong with her application (weirrrrd- but memorable, right?!), one guy sent his C.V screwed up in a box and pointed out that he’s already saved them the trouble of screwing it up. I think Martin himself said his application was sent in drawn on a paper cut out to look like a boiled egg? Which seems random, but in reality his website and other formalities were named after an egg so it all linked in. Personally I love the thong idea.

A little later on we sat in on another meeting about the progress of the project which was pretty interesting as this time it was an actual meeting with people within the creative department of Cadburys. They were throwing ideas around to each other and amending them, it was pretty crazy but at the same time it’s amazing to know how their brains work. I was playing little games with myself and thinking up ideas, none of which was parallel to any of theirs but I suppose that’s the point.

Just before we left we were given a massive bag of chocolates each. Not even just a few bits and bats, I’m talking about £20+ worth of Cadburys goodies each. Fair enough I didn’t like some of the stuff I was given but we traded within our little group. We shared some tearful goodbyes before departing.

Random Fact of the Day: I have bloody loved working with Cadburys.

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