Wednesday 4 May 2011


4th May 2011

The pace has really died off for us. Rachel told us Dave Pegg wasn’t in again today and that she’d get him on the teleconference for us and he can talk to us about another live project. I was pretty excited about that…but it didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow? Instead we worked on our first project again, it’s really coming together! I also found out today that when I made a joke about confidentiality way back at the beginning, that was actually true, and we’re not allowed to disclose any information about what work we’re doing on a live project, in case Nestle or something steals it. Oooooooops! So I’ve gone through and deleted all the specifics. IN YOUR FACE NESTLE.

Random Fact of the Day: During the two 45 min windows that the hot drinks machine is free, people swarm to it constantly.

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