Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Professional Experiance Proposal

To gain a placement at an advertising agency I plan to send curiculum virtues to a number of advertising agencies that I am particularly interested in. Ontop of that I plan to network to gain contacts within the advertising and marketing industry in order to expand my knowledge on what the real world advertising adgencies are like to work within.

Today I sent off a few letters and CVs to various companies in Birmingham; because it’s close to my university, Manchester; because it’s close to where I come from. Here’s a list of places I sent letters to:

Synergy, Birmingham

OWB, Birmingham

HTDL, Birmingham

Fluid, Birmingham

Big Cat Group, Birmingham

BJL, Manchester

Cube Creative, Manchester

Adzmedia, Manchester

Head First, Manchester

Pixel8, Manchester

Media Vest, Manchester

S.W.O.T Analysis


  • Reliable - Reliable to complete tasks which I am equipt to finish.

  • Confident - When meeting new people and during presentations.

  • Good timekeeping - When attending classes/appointments I am rarely late.


  • Easily distracted - I am easily distracted when lacking motivation.

  • Independant - I find it difficult to work together with others.


  • Doing well in university - I must work hard and manage to acheive at least a 2:1 in my degree.

  • Succeeding in the advertising industry - If I acheive my university goals I can climb the advertising adgency ladder.

  • Being happy - Living a comfortable, stable lifestyle with a well paid job that I enjoy.


  • Distractions - If I get distracted and do not succeed in university, that can ripple out to affect further steps that I am hoping to take in my life.