Tuesday 3 May 2011

Cadburys Advert

So this is part of what I've been working on at Cadburys. Well, this is my final design. I went through a lot of stages to get a final idea, just like they taught us to at Cadburys. The other group members have come up with poster ideas and packaging ideas too but we all sort of went and did our own thing in regards to the packaging and adverts after we came up with the Chino idea. Learning from one of our earlier lessons at Cadburys, the name 'Chino' has a meaning to it, and the word is instantly linked to coffee due to the famous 'cappuchino' which is where the Chino comes from. I liked the idea of 'Cadburys Chino' as, in my opinion it kind of has a ring to it. The repetition of the letter C will entice customers subconsciously when they read it.

As you can see, I'm not very good on Photoshop and this is definitely not of professional standard (I don't think I have enough fingers to point out what is not 100% correct in this image). For starters the colours..anyway I wont go into that. What I'm trying to portray is my ideas and the potential of the concept. I really like how the coffee beans and chocolate falls from different directions to form one tumble. I think without the packaging being on the advert, what the chocolate bar is is portrayed to the consumers through these images, chocolate and coffee. The 'Cadburys' logo connotes the familiarity and the audience will instantly recognise the high quality. As I was bitching about the colours, I think they could be amended so the name of the product would stick out more as at the moment it seems to sort of fade into the background when it should be jumping out at the consumer, it should be the focal point of the advert. At the moment I feel the Cadburys logo is the focal point of this advert.

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