Monday 18 April 2011


18th April 2011

1st day at Cadburys!

I was a little nervous when I woke up up this morning to be honest. I went through the motions of getting ready and left my house to begin my work experiance adventure! We pulled up outside Cadburys World and when I got out of the car it hit me, the overpowering smell of cadburys chocolate. It was YUMMY. The first building we went in was the entrance to actual Cadburys World – the place where they tour the familys around the factory...thats not where we needed to be! So we

walked the ten minutes to the Bournville building to sign in, then to the packaging department where we were met by Rachel Eaton. She showed us around the building (it’s like a maze), and we got some ID cards which gave us access to everywhere. My picture was awful, I was laughing...and the guy wouldn't retake the picture! Next we sat on these sofas in the middle of the creative room until Paul Webb came over, showed us around the creative suit more in depth then we were given our all important brief. Basically we are challenged to produce a packaging concept for a chocolate count line bar and create packaging and a print poster for this bar. We must consider colour in terms of suitability for the target audience, which in this case is females ages 25-35.

After being provided with a sketch pad, stationary and the code to access the internet, we got to work. To begin with we created a group mind map of what else we wanted the chocolate bar to contain, as in, an extra ingredient. For example the Dairy Milk collection at Cadburys includes ‘Dairy Milk Whole Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Fruit ‘n’ Nut’, ‘Dairy Milk Turkish Delight’ ect. We thought of adding a fruity zest such as strawberry or banana as to appeal to the 25-35 year old females ‘nice’ side. We thought

this age group would possible feel ‘naughty’ for eating chocolate; as a lot of females within this age group are keen to keep in shape/lose weight. We thought the fruit and chocolate combination may balance the target audience’s diet. Another idea we considered was a soft centre, such as praline or nougat, which seemed like the most appealing to females according to internet research. Then the group thought of a revelation of creating a coffee based chocolate bar. We considered that the coffee flavour is the most unpopular ‘Revels’ flavour, yet we plan to create more of a mocha flavoured bar, with the coffee flavour being present but not overpowering.

Our decision fell on the last idea; we decided to create a bar of chocolate with the unique selling point being the presence of coffee in the chocolate bar. Our next step was to think of a name for our new bar. Again, we made a mind map consisting of names related to the coffee aspect. ‘Cap Cream’, ‘Chino’, ‘Mocha Bar’ were some of the ideas. We had some minor conflicts regarding the names but we all settled on ‘Chino’ in the end, as it is a play on the word ‘cappuccino’. In the middle of all this decision making was a fire drill, by the way, at which point we had to evacuate the building and stand outside for 15 minutes. We’re lucky it was a nice day! Back indoors, in the safety of the meeting room we were occupying, I thought it was a good idea to do rough thumbnail sketches of ideas. Meanwhile, my other group members were focusing on one idea each. I figured if I thumbnail sketch and get all the ideas in my head onto paper, I can go from there and chose my best ones to take further. Sure, it takes longer than focusing on one idea, but in my opinion, getting all the ideas on paper will prove for better

results in the long run.

Anyway, 5pm came and it was home time. Tomorrow we will continue our journey (and hopefully get a Cadburys World tour)!

Random fact of the day: Cadburys have there very own dentist.

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